No one to tell about my day

My husband died 5 weeks ago. I am away from home and went to phone him like I always would to tell him about my day. I just can’t believe he’s not there to talk to!! So sad now :cry:

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I lost my husband 10 months ago. I miss seeing him before I go to work. Talking about our day over our evening meal . Always there for me when work got tough and I needed a moan! I miss his guidance and words of wisdom . I miss everything about him and think about him all the time . I live on my own and life is now so different . I’m lonely without him . If it wasn’t for my dog I think I would not be coping . We do cope as we have no choice but to carry on with our lives as that’s what they would want us to do . I wish I could tell you it gets easier but you just get accustomed to your situation . I do find a journal has helped me and I write in it as if I’m writing him a letter. Also a happy memories journal .
We just have to feel blessed that we had them in our lives . Unfortunately the price of love is grief when we lose them .
I hope it gets easier for you and do try the journal it really does help. Sending love x

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My husband died in September 2019. There is a huge gap in my world now. It unfortunately does not go away. I have however, now realised that my 40+years with him were such a privilege. Much as I still wake up sobbing on occasions, miss our chats, miss his notes to me telling me he loves me, (left on dining room table if he went to work before me) his frequent texts which made me laugh, his humour… I could go on and on. I know my missing him is part of who I am now. I try and succeed sometimes, to acknowledge how lucky I am to have been his wife, friend, mother of our children, because I was. But I STILL MISS HIM SO VERY MUCH.
I still get angry that he’s not here to watch his grandchildren grow and experience the joy this brings me. I still feel the unfairness of it all and I still ask why!
Grief, it is so layered.

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