No purpose

Why do i feel so lost its been almost 6 weeks since that horrible day when i lost everything, it doesn’t any better i feel like i have no purpose anymore , so what is the point of being here, people says it will get better with time all i do is think if i wasnt here no one would really care, family would only be interested in wat i have left them hope some could give me some positive words


@Lynnec it’s such early days yet and it’s so hard, I know that feeling lost my wonderful husband 8 weeks ago so I feel your pain and I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. I think all we can do at this point is take one day at a time. I’ve had people tell me that the rawness of this pain will ease and I’m sure they are right. It’s a huge adjustment we are going through right now, so many things running through your heads, so it’s all going into take some time. Could you reach out to your family or do you have friends for support. If not remember you’re not alone there are so many people on this forum who will help you. Please take care of yourself and reach out when you need to x

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I feel for you so much. I lost my beloved hubby 6weeks ago as well. I know the feeling of not wanting to go on. But would your husband want you to think that? Mine got in touch with so many people to tell them to make me live my life for him as well as me. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. With me it comes in waves up one day can’t get out of bed the next. I’ve joined a group which I think will help. I hope you have friends and family to speak or just be there ? If you want to chat come on here. We’re all the same and I’ve had some fantastic support and advice. I’m here if you want to chat anytime. You’re not alone trust me.xx

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Thankyou x

Thankyou :heart:

Im so sorry for your loss. Id really like to tell you that it gets easier with time and it does but not that easy. My partner left me four years ago and Im in pain every day but Ive got her family that are very close to me and a friend of fifty years that lives down tbe road. There are definitely people that would mourn your passing and miss you although at the moment you dont think so. How much you mourn is directly related to how much you loved so if your pain in loss is considerable then it just shows how much you loved. Bless you.

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OMG I feel the same - if I wasn’t here everyone would financially gain from my pain

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So sorry for your loss, I too would like to tell you that it gets better but its been 12 weeks since I lost my beloved husband and everyday I miss him, everyday I struggle to go on without him and just want to be with him, he was my life and my soul mate and after 22 years half of me is missing, my life and house is now empty. Im not living just existing wishing that I was with him.
Being on here helps me to get my feelings out.

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So very sorry forr yorur sad loss . How do we start again we do l lost my wife 2 weeks ago … so each day is new set a little each day to do slowly things will come rght please remember you will alway s remember your loved one so much and why have they gone .God has called them home but each day can you go out um see people .Have a coffee shop a little maybe find a new thing to do. Yor will cope its not easy l am 81 and joined a twice weekly lunch club it begins to help ken

Yesterday I went out for breakfast with my friend, my counsellor said try to go out.
I managed to get through it without breaking down, I got home and broke down crying for a long time as it didn’t feel right and felt so guilty that I managed an hour without getting upset.
Tomorrow its been 3 months since I lost my beloved husband and it feels like yesterday.
Every one says im strong to go on living, but the truth is im struggling without him everyday, im not strong anymore, he was the one who was strong and now he’s gone and im not the same person anymore.
Each day im not living im just existing waiting for the day I can be with him again. Ive just given up on everything and say to myself "what’s the point in anything without him being here "

@Poppet1973 you are stronger than you think, you’ve got this far. This is such a tortuous journey we find ourselves on and we need to allow ourselves how ever long it takes. You’ve done amazing to go out, yesterday I went out for a coffee with friends but beforehand I was feeling sick and the temptation to stay tucked up at home was huge. I’m so glad I went but again, as you say those feelings of guilt reared their heads in my way home, I pushed them away quickly. I talk to my husband and hope he’s looking out for me, so the flip side of that is if he is I don’t want him to see me upset all the time that would break his heart. Don’t get my wrong the tears flow quite a lot but then I manage to think of how he’d feel, and what he’d say, and then I can pick myself up again. All these feelings are normal, it’s still such early days for us (8 weeks for me, he too was young, only 56). Just maybe try to do a little something everyday, take one day at a time and take care of yourself x

Thank you, you too, I don’t feel strong anymore without him beside me, i miss hearing his voice and the way he could cheer me up with a hug.
Every day I wake up and say to myself “here we go again” im not living im existing now just waiting for the day I can be with him again

Hi Lyn l lost ann two weeks monday she had vascular dimentia and passed in bed at home bearing in mind we both lost the centre of our lives . I hurt as you more there is purpose to life . Its a journey l have not buried her yet l have tried to go out each day as ann wanted. I learned to cook and clean and. dust and look after 2 doggies for 5 years. It takes time and please there is help and support my gp put me in touch with cruise which l start next week and if the emotional thing is to much there is help with that as well. Your hubby would not want you to give up . Please start in a small way dont try to do everything at once just small steeps , dont try to move clothes and so much try to stay positive just a bit and its early days yet keep writing on here for support all the very best .l am ken oxford try each time a wave comes over you to sit down for a minute if you can it will come right in the end