no purpose

im sitting here tonight thinking” what is my purpose in life”’ i loved being married . we had no kids but a great life. i met brian on line after rubbish relationships then my prince charming came at 50 years old. people say but you had 17 amazing years together(especially people who still have their partners) so what ?? it wasnt long enough. i feel i have nothing whats the point??


I can relate to your post it’s very similar to my life. I was married for 23 years before my husband died we had no children I have nothing left to live for I lost my house and all belongings my life is so empty how do we pick ourselves up from this. My friends have disappeared since jim died all full of promises of what they were going to do for me where are they now when I need them most. I too am sitting in dark thinking whats the bloody point of it all I wish I was with jim.


I wish you lived near me( i dont know where you live so that sounds daft) I can’t afford to stay in this bungalow. I don’t know how old you are, but I’ve put myself down for retirement housing as the rent is cheap and where I want to go have their own front doors so not an old persons block. I just don’t know what to do, I’m still sorting things out. Brian was self-employed. We’ve got the taxman on my back can’t leave the dead alone. I’ve had nothing but fights with the bank even though he did a well but thankfully that’s all sorted. The only consolation is I’m nearer going to meet my maker as I’m getting older. We are probably feeling a bit sad tonight both of us. I hope you can find somewhere to live. You can message me I will answer I’m sending you a hug


Lifes :poop: isn’t it. I miss my bungalow but just couldn’t stay there . Feeling very sad tonight


and i will miss mine😢life is💩 not only have we list the love of our lives we lose our home as well


I don’t think a good marriage is ever long enough. I was married for 54 years and it was not enough. Best wishes to you.