Here we go, another sleepless night,
Me too. Might resort to catch up TV as that sometimes helps me get off to sleep again.
I only really seem to sleep well between 6am and 9am, it’s crazy.
Me three
Thats me too, last night was no different, had to set my alarm for this morning in case once I did fall asleep I would sleep really late and then that affects tonight too! This is our life now without our husbands/partners, because I will be 2 yrs along this grief journey come the 1st May but it still feels so raw sometimes like it happened only recently,I wonder sometimes will it be like this always, but then I think that is the price you pay for being together 48 years (47 married) and wouldn’t change those years we had for anything, as they say grief is the price you pay for having loved xxx
Take care everyone x
It’s 13 months since my mum died suddenly from a huge stroke/bleed and my sleep has evaded me since. Trying to work is a nightmare as I’m nhs frontline and my grief still seems really raw. Hugs to you all as I know and can empathise with your feelings and insomnia
Lulu2 have you thought of grief counselling, I know it’s hard to get going by posts on here in the past, but maybe worth a try?
Take care xx
Georgi thank you so much for your response. Here’s the thing, with family trouble I was having counselling upto summer last year but it didn’t really help I didn’t feel I was getting anywhere. I’m not sure about grief counselling I don’t really know where to go with all the pain. I feel people get fed up talking about it and as it’s just over a year they think I should’ve moved on months ago. But 57 years around a person you love and miss doesn’t just switch off. Siblings and my kids were so close to her like I am and I was the one helping her and as I’m single and so was she we were very co dependant.
Sorry weren’t so close to her*
Lulu2 there is no time limit on grief everyone is different, It will be 2 yrs on May 1st that I lost my husband and it still feels like yesterday I think I will always feel like that, I met him when I was 16,married 47 years xxx
Georgi that’s tough on you eh? I’ve been single since I was 29 I don’t do well in relationships so I steer clear. I think I watched too many romantic movies. Georgi do you have any animals?
Yes I have a cat but she too is old and has cancer think I may lose her this year, she will be 17 in March xx
Oh bless that’s not good… I got a dog which was originally bought for my son as he lost his 3 weeks after my mum but he caught meningitis and his partner and kids Covid so I’ve ended up with a dog I can barely afford as she has health issues but she’s lovely but not ideal in the situation. Would you not consider a dog for the company?
Like me I sleep for 1hr then awake for an hour until I get up for work,I have tried everything
Missing my wife next to me
Ah Rob that’s hard I know and like everyone says it’s a process and I don’t know when that changes. But chatting on here is a nice distraction everyone’s so kind. Hugs to you.
Still in the wide awake club! The sheep thing is a myth I reckon
I have thought of a dog but it’s a big commitment, cats don’t need taken for walks in all weather ! I love dogs and often dog sit my daughter’s dog xxx
Here again, but this time full of anxiety as my car failed it’s MoT yesterday and they didn’t have the parts (suspension pins) to do it, but I needed to take it away. It’s booked back in for next Wednesday. Need to shop today and have an overseas visitor arriving Thursday for 5 days. I’m rural and need the car for everything. I’m so anxious about driving it now. Feel such a failure. I wanted to look as if I was coping and now this…
I haven’t had much sleep since April and when I do manage to get any I wake up crying because of those dreams and that moment between sleep and waking up you think they are still next to you in bed