No wonder i am like i am

People sometimes think i am matter of fact, or i have no compassion, not really bothered etc even when my hubby died, maybe with a comment or an action on my part. This isnt me deep down. i write down the names of everyone i know etc when they die and after going through my password book and other info, i have discovered that in the last twenty years, 85 people i know or have been friends with have died.
so at the end of the day when i hear someone has died it dont bother me any more. its sad its got to that stage but i suppose thats how life treats you.

It doesn’t matter what people think of you, only you know how you feel and what’s going on inside.
Some people think I’m tougher than I am, although I cry easily. I really hate people hugging and kissing me (unless they are my other half), but I do it anyway because I’ve been described as cold in the past. This is learned behaviour from when I was a teenager; Dad died and I was left to deal with it alone.
We all deal with grief our own way.

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I sometimes i wish i couid not feel anything after losing my mum. It would make it easier not to go through my grief but then i tell myself it’s better to grief because it wouid hurt not to.
But then everyone deals wirh grief in their own way

it was more the fact 85 people in 20 yrs that surprised me, that is a lot for anyone

Yes that is true what you say. I get it.

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