No worthwhile future without them

Thats a great idea Debbie.
Hope you both enjoy.

Let me know how the experience goes :slight_smile: x

@debs glad you are happy with your daughter is it the others that you commented about

Oh love i feel for you. We went on holiday in july 2022 and by christmas 2022 he had gone - our precious men hey ? very hard to get my head around it 13 months on. His funeral was a year ago yesterday … :frowning:

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Those were my very words too … all this money ploughed into research - why havent they got better at finding cancer - but actually i blame the NHS too - because they didnt find my husbands cancer for 3 months - didnt even think it was that - i know it doesnt bring them back but i always probably naively thought that if there was anything badly wrong they would find it ;( xx

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Watched 4 episodes gonna carry on tonight :grin::+1:

That’s great Debbie that’s the way I rewatched them too :blush::+1:
Thanks for letting me know. Keep me posted. I picked something up from each rewatch. He plays it so well and dealing with a difficult subject as we know
Still wish he ended up with the nurse :blush: x

Watched them all loved it :heart:

Any other suggestions private message anytime