None of this feels real

Hello all
I’ve just got through the worst experience in my life and I feel free.
It’s the feeling I have that ever since I lost my mum it doesn’t feel real. I know it is real. It’s very much but I’ll never be able to shake my feeling it’s one long nightmare. So many of us on here must be feeling the same way. You go to bed you sleep but in our unconscious state the nightmare is still real and then you wake up knowing the nightmare is still real. When do we feel none of it is real. The answer is never. Ok we might have our good and bad days. You have to keep telling yourself you can get through this
I found that if I rely on my family for support I
Can get through this. Your family loves you unconditionally and will be there to get through it all
I’ve found with what I’ve been through I will offer my support to anyone who’s lost their mum. It’s the only experience I know I have lost my Nan through dementia and god knows it is so very cruel a disease like that can do to our loved ones. I read they are working on a cure. In my man’s case it came way to late. They apparently have found a way to slow Alzheimer’s down that’s great news but we need a cure I believe we will get it. The day we defeat dementia can’t come quick enough the suffering has to end.
If anyone needs support I’d only be to happy to help. Remember grief is a journey we have no control over but be kind to yourself through it