North East England widows group

A new group for people in the north east who are widowed. Online chat and local meet ups. Make new friends and meet up with new people. Northumberland, Newcastle, N Tyneside, S Tyneside Sunderland and Teeside. It is not a Dating site. It’s for friendship and companionship.
Facebook group it’s called A New Chapter, widows and widowers North east. Request to join and complete answers.


Just joined it x

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How do you join this group? X

This group should be replicated in all areas We so need kind prople who can empathise and encourage each other that life is worth living. Is anyone interrsted in gorming one in Doncaster and surrounfing area?

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Facebook A New Chapter NE is the group you need to answer 3 questions to be approved

If you contact me I can help you set one up the way I did x

Thank you. How do I vontact you?

I’ll send you my email address on private message

Hi, i live in newcastle upon tyne and would like to join a face to face support group

Many thank

Hi how do uou join the group

Hi it’s a Facebook group

You’ll be very welcome :pray:

If you messsge me I’ll give you details :+1: