North London Meet up

I was widowed almost 18 months ago and feel the need to meet people who understand the pain and agony of loosing a partner. Married friends and family have no idea of my pain. Only my sister who had a painful and unwanted divorce understands the effect of such a devastating loss and change of life style. I don’t cry so often now but feel my life is empty.
Where do i go from here.?

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Hi, I do hope you find groups in your area and they are there, it’s just finding the right one.
Places to look. Local Facebook, library, chemist and churches. We have two in a small village, one run by the church the other meets at the local pub plus things like craft groups are worth investigating. The other unlikely place is walking groups because they seem to attract people in our position.
It’s hard finding and going to the first meeting but it’s worth the effort.
As you say, it’s different when it happens to you. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself. S xxx

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Hi, so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved soulmate, best friend, my everything, also 18 months ago, know what you’re going through. I’m still devastated and shocked, as if it’s just happened. Your thread title struck me because I’m an ex North Londoner, was born and brought up there, left in my twenties and have been living in Italy ever since.
I do hope you find your support group you’re looking for, would have been happy to meet you if I still lived there.

Hi @Bobmajor,

I’m so sorry about the loss of your partner. Many people do find it helpful to meet others who understand and who have experienced the pain you are going through. I wanted to share this website with you, it’s called At A Loss:

If you scroll down the page you can enter your location and it will show you support available in your area.

I hope this is helpful; please do keep reaching out to us here, we are listening.

Online Community Manager