Not allowed to say goodbye to my wife of 55 years

I was informed of my wife’s death by Social Services the day after her funeral had taken place and had not been allowed contact for 10 months prior to it. Even though my wife had advanced Dementia Social Services deemed her to have “capacity” I have been told this is not possible.
two years previously our son aged 53 died as a result of MS from age 15 this also has taken its toll

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Oh Bertie,
There are no words apart from I’m thinking of you.
G .x

Thank you so much

Bertie, i’m so sorry that you’ve lost your wife and son. How Social Services have treated you sounds dreadful.
Do consider writing a formal complaint, when you feel stronger.
Take care

I’ve sent several formal complaints all to no avail Social Services are a self governing body and not even an apology has been given by them

Oh Bertie, I feel your pain. Because the cancer had affected my wife’s brain, she was making all sorts of things. Because of this, I was told I couldn’t see her in hospital. So she spent our 40th anniversary and her last Christmas alone in the hospital. And myself at home alone.
So sorry that you had the pain of losing both your wife and son. Thinking of you.

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Than You so much for your kind words they are comforting for me