I was prescribed them too apart from helping me sleep they made me worse zombie like so I’ve stopped them. Been for counselling assessment and I’ll get a one to one starting January so hoping that helps xx
And to you, its not easy is it? My doctor says he prefers to let grief come out naturally and not suppress it when i asked about antidepressants. I am taking one day at a time. I have some days better than others. Take care
Hi Sah,the doctor tried to up my antidepressant from one aday to 2 ,i tried it one night and the experience was terrible zombie wasnt in it so i just went back to 1,tbh i dont think they are helping me ,sending you hugs love .
I was prescribed Prozac years ago for depression and it made me suicidal for about 2 weeks, not just mild ,but to the point of planning how to do it, once it started to take effect properly I turned into a unfeeling zombie and when I stopped them the depression came back with a vengeance.
I refused my doctors offer of anti depressants when Joan died, I believe that grief needs to be experienced however hard it is.
To anyone starting on these drugs please be aware that they can cause suicidal thoughts when you first start taking them, the last thing we need.
Hi bootsie ,i have been put on mertazapine ,i take 1 at nightime ,ive been taking them about 5 weeks now ,all they are doing for me are helping me sleep better ,but tbh when the doctor suggested upping the dosage i tried it 1 night and believe me never again i felt absolutely terrible, but your are right the grieving process is something we have to live through we have no option but my God is it hard .
They helped me sleep (one at night) but the next morning I was groggy, lethargic, emotionless. Would do the school run then lay on the couch till school run again.
They helped with the emotional pain but I basically functioned/existed on them.
I’m nearly at 6 months and after a counselling assessment 2 weeks ago it’s helped me understand myself more, that much has happened my brain can’t process it and to be told I’m actually coping extremely well (in my eyes I wasn’t) in the circumstances helped x