Crying as i write this and reading other peoples stories. My sister passed away 7 weeks ago, her second battle with cancer, she was only 48. She was my only sibling, i only have my mum now but it doesnt help talking to her. No interest in doing anything or seeing anyone, i just want to be alone. Zero motivation to work but i have to.
Im so sorry to hear about your sister i lost my sister in april and still trying to come to tems with it My sister had cancer to hear anytime you need a chat
So sorry for your loss Penny, thanks for reaching out, cried alot today, every day is so hard
I am so sorry that your sister died. Surely your heart is broken and you miss her terribly. The numbness you feel is normal. Wanting to be alone is normal. Zero motivation is normal You are grieving. It is like being in a different dimension where we stand still and the world whizzes passed.
I call it a fog. Life in a fog.
You will come back to life. Never the same, but life will return. You may always cry for your sister. But, it won’t be daily. For now, cry until the tears stop. They will.
I hate cancer. Both parents. Good friends. Children of friends.
Hugs from across the big pond.
@PeachesDixon thanks so much for the message Peaches, i’m so sorry for the people close to you that you have lost, do you think being on here talking to people has helped you in some small way? Sending hugs
I lost my brother (46) on 20th October this year to pancreatic cancer. It was only 3 weeks from diagnosis to when he passed and I just can’t get my head around it. It doesn’t feel real.
I feel similar to you and also have no other siblings to talk to. I’m trying to motivate myself to go out with friends etc but when I do I can’t wait to get home again.
I wish I had words of wisdom to help you but there are no words that help right now. I’m just trying to take one day at a time and hoping that it will get easier.
Take care
@Maisey Hi Maisey, thank you for your message, i’m so sorry for your loss. Havent been out with friends or anything, just not ready, i know id feel the same as you and just want to come home. Just taking a day at a time too, joined this last night as a first step i guess in trying to process whats happened, still feels surreal. Sending hugs
Thank you. Surreal is right. I’m sometimes busy and almost forget but then it hits me all over again. I’m currently not working as I took unpaid leave to support my parents when my brother got his diagnosis. We thought we’d have a few months with him but he died within 3 weeks. It was such a shock. I’m due to go back to work in January. Not sure how I feel about it though.
I think talking about it helps.
@Maisey Thats a huge shock for you, i had a few months with my sister whilst she was having chemo and radiotherapy, was in hispital full time pretty much during thst time though
then we got the news the cancer had spread throughout her body, and she passed 2 weeks later. I agree though, it doesnt get any easier, if anything harder, because things happen that id only talk with my sister about etc, hugs