Not coping very well

I lost my partner of 10 years we wasnt married. When we met he had a heart attack 2 days after. I stood by him at this point and carried on seeing him. A few months later i was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction. Steve looked after me and help me in my recovery. Soon after i moved in with him as it was easier for him to care for me. He passed away in the new year. He was a very poorly man but we enjoyed our life together. I gave up everything to care for him full time. We made our wills together but unfortunately Steve passed without signing his Will. He has a son who hardly came near in fact he was a waste of space no help whatsoever. Steve knew this. Anyway now i am left losing the house we lived together in and everything else. I feel anger hate because of how he as left things. and love and missing him deeply.
I feel stressed and have anxiety and so worried about what us going to become of me. I was totally dependant on Steve after giving up my job. At the moment i am a total mess not knowing which way to turn. So much paper work and sorting out is doing my head in i just want to curl up and die. If it wasn’t for my pet dog i don’t think i would even leave the house. My daughters and new grandson keep me going but don’t live near. I just needed to reach out to someone after reading some of your comments. Will i ever get back to normal after the loss of my partner and the trauma i am going through. I can’t even think about work at the moment with everything that is going on.
Thank you for listening.

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Hi Ang
So very sorry for your loss and the extra trauma you are going through. If possible, get help from Citizens advice Bureau about your partner’s estate.
Do you have friends who could help with the paperwork? Or at least help you sort it into priorities? Then you can tackle it a bit at a time. I was not married either, and it does complicate things.
Maybe make a list and tick off what you deal with, to show yourself you are getting things done.
It’s really good that your daughter is supporting you, and that your dog is helping you to get out and about. My two cats have brought me through the last six months.
Everyone here has been through a similar journey, although your grief is your own. Hopefully we can give you support and a place to say how you feel.
Take care of yourself



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Thank you for your kind words. I have only just seen your message as i haven’t been on here since i wrote it. Everything seems to be all in a muddle and overwhelming at the moment. I just want all the paperwork and the sorting out of probate etc to be over. I am so worried about my future if only he had signed his will.

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