Not coping with the loss ofmy beloved dog

Hey everyone. I need some advice and I hope someone here can help. I’ve had to put down my beloved dog in August and I can’t recover from it. I just feel so lost. Don’t know what to do with myself. He was old and in pain and I know it was time for him to go, but now I just feel empty. How do I get back to some sort of normality? I can’t even go for a walk without crying… because it was something we done together…and he absolutely loved his walks. Haven’t set foot on the beach cause it was our favourite spot…can’t even do basic stuff like cooking without looking for him to give scraps to…he was such a big part of my life for the better part of 10 years, and for a big chunk of that it was just me and him…and now I feel like I’ve lost a limb. I’ve even been avoiding my best friend because we used to take the dogs out together, and seeing her dog only makes my pain worse. I’m really sorry if this sounds like a weird rant, and I know to most people it seems weird…cause he’s “just a dog”, right? But to me he wasn’t…he was my best friend/my soulmate/my baby. He was everything and now he’s gone and I don’t know how to cope


I’m so sorry. I would never say it’s weird or that it’s “just” a dog! Our pets become family members, have personalities of their own that dearly we miss and are precious to us, both as companions and friends. I’ve grieved deeply for each and everyone of my pets. As with all grief, we can only take it one day, or hour, at a time and be kind to ourselves. If there are things you can’t do today, like cooking, allow yourself to skip that for now and maybe you’ll be able to do it later on. There’s no rush. Sending you hugs. :heart:

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Thank you. Feels good to be understood. It’s not the same without him. It’s hard cause I don’t have family nearby and he was my everything. I’m taking each day as it comes, I just feel like some people around me think “I should be over it by now”.


People tend to do that, whether you grieve for a person or a pet. I know it can hurt, but just ignore them. You have to mourn the way you need to mourn and only you can decide how much and for how long. I know how empty it feels, hang in there and take care of yourself. :heart:

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@Andy87 I understand exactly how you feel. I had to put my 15yr old dog Sam to sleep in August, just 5mths after my partner of 30 yrs died suddenly. We never had children and Sam was my world. The heartbreak is devastating. I am grieving as much for Sam as I am for my partner. The guilt having to put them to sleep even though you do it out of love and stop their suffering was excruciating. The house is silent and empty. His lead and collar still hang in my hall and all his things are still in the same place as I can’t cope moving anything. I so feel your pain. Lyn



My baby, my soulmate :heart:


He’s beautiful. So sorry for your loss. :heart:

I’m so so sorry for your losses. Individually they are heartbreaking. Can’t even begin to imagine how you feel loosing them both.
I’ve left everything where it was too… I didn’t take the harness and lead out of the car… His bed is exactly where it was and I still think I’m gonna walk in and see him sleeping there…haven’t cleaned my car because theres sand in it from our last trip to the beach…it’s just all too much

Aw sarlyn!

Your post and picture has melted my heart. I lost my dad a year ago and then a few months later my 15yo westie passed away.
I believe I can relate to how you feel. It’s really hard isn’t it. What more can I say

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Thank you. I miss him so much

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I also lost my mum 3mths after my hubby, followed 3mths later by my Sam :broken_heart:.
It is truly an indescribable loss of pure unconditional love. Unless you have had a furbaby nobody can understand. The guilt you feel putting them to sleep, however right the decision was will stay with you forever. I could never have another one as couldn’t go through that pain ever again. Lyn x

I cried just looking at this photo. Pure unconditional love. It’s beyond heartbreaking losing them. I will never be the same without my boy. Lyn x

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