Not coping

Hi . My first time here . I lost my partner in November, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in May , his heart wasn’t strong enough for treatment. I cared for him in his last weeks, he was in a lot of pain. He was only 60 . We’d been together for 5 years, he was my soulmate and I’m heartbroken :broken_heart:. I feel totally lost without him :cry:. My Mom passed 4 years ago and watched her die , which I’m not over . I never thought that I’d have to go through it again so soon :cry:. She screamed help me in pain and I had to watch my partner scream out the exact same words :cry::broken_heart:


Oh no how awful for you. My husband was only 60 too. Its so hard isnt it cos theyre young really … both my parents still alive at 83 .!!! … so not fair xxx

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Hi, I am sorry to hear your story. I have myself lost my beloved husband, he was a cancer patient diagnosed in March 22. Sadly he passed suddenly and unexpectedly in July 23 due to a serious infection. I lost my Mum just after my husband was diagnosed in June 22 also a cancer patient who kicked it’s arse for 12 years. Since losing my husband I have lost my stepdad in october 23 and father in law in November 23. It’s been an absolute crap time and I am not coping, I put on a brave face but am reduced to tears when alone. It is so lonely after spending 30 years married, I miss him, I miss them all. Unless you have been through it or are going through it’s just impossible to understand the roller coaster of emotions we are going through…x


A163 iam so sorry for losses, I can’t imagine how your feeling , every person on this site has suffered loss , I lost my wife in 2023 and know I’ll never get over it the feeling of loneliness is sometimes overwhelming, the helpless feeling’s, unbelievable. Once again I truly am sorry take care and take each day at time x


Thank you for your replies, life is so unfair. I’m so sorry to for your awful losses. It helps to know that people understand. I feel so numb and having anxiety attacks. I go to work but when I don’t need to go out I prefer to stay in incase I get anxiety. I am on the waiting list for bereavement counselling but I’ve been told it could be 9 months .


Hi @Al63
Im sorry for your loss.
I lostbmy husband in June 23 unexpectedly and suddenly at 63 after 37 years together 35 married.
I thought i was doing ok well i’m not really like you this pain grief and loneliness :broken_heart: are taken there toll. I dont sleep well not eating losing weight. I too am waiting on councelling which i am told will be about April. Like yourself can only take one day at a time. But it really is not an easy journey.
Take care
Lynne x