Not coping

Sorry for the spelling mistakes in my previous message my eyes are stinging with tears x

Hi. There. It’s very difficult to put into words what feelings are. After all, there are so many different feeling and emotions. But the way I see it is that we are limited to the five senses. Some animals have more refined senses like dogs and smell, but still it’s the five senses. Now are we going to be so arrogant to assume that’s all there is? The spectrum, or the part we can see, is very limited and only expands within the five senses from UV to Infrared. That’s’ our limit. But the spectrum is unlimited. Radio waves etc go way beyond sight. In fact it’s true to say that the spectrum is infinite. So what’s at either end? Or, indeed, is there and end? The word ‘infinity’ means just that, no end. The more astronomers look into the universe the more they see. Bigger telescopes reveal more space and more galaxies. It’s truly endless. Why do we have problems entertaining the idea that there is a realm existing far beyond our senses to which we have no conscious access. Dreams often give us an insight into this mysterious world. Carl Jung, one of the founders of psychoanalysis in the twentieth century, showed how dreams can often point the way for us. Messages from the unconscious. It’s never ‘just a dream’ to be dismissed. If we do that we lose something of value. But the analysis of dreams should only be undertaken by someone with the knowledge of dream analysis.
Perception, is by definition, how we see things and subsequently react to them. Now this is where it gets tricky. If I see a colour and you are colour blind how do I communicate to you the colour? Not possible, and we could argue all day because your perception is so different to mine. I have realised on this site that words are totally inadequate to describe feelings. They can be misquoted, or misunderstood. They are inadequate for such an occasion. But I do believe that love and compassion travel well, and I have had such good words from the folk on this site. But love and compassion are emotions; feelings and as such are indescribable. You can’t see the colour, I can. You can see something in another’s pain that I may miss. If we adopt a negative attitude then wish fulfilment will surely come into play. Of course we can’t all be jolly and happy. My God, don’t I know it, and so do you. But to see nature expressing itself at this time of year, and hear birds singing does make one realise that all is not lost and life goes on. Alright, I know, platitudes again, but it’s true nevertheless. I have found your posts so helpful. We may not agree on everything, but the very act of talking to you, as with many others on this site, is uplifting. Best wishes.

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Hi. Adele. Please let us know how the doctors appointment went. I think it was today. I do hope you are bearing up, so difficult. Take care.

Thankyou Jonathan it’s three thirty tomorrow your in my thoughts also take care of yourself really struggling it’s six months and two weeks tomorrow afternoon I’ll definitely let you know how I get on or what they suggest x