Not easier, just different

It’s been two years since my darling left me. The first few months were a blur and I have very little memory of much of that time. I am working part time and spend lots of time with my grandchildren that are a joy but the pain of loss is still there and I live with it daily. Sometimes cope better than others but still have days when I weep for all that I have lost. Today is one of those days. Send light love and strength to you all. X


Hi Kimbold,
Welcome as they say to the club no-one wants to be in,
You will find some lovely supporting people on here that know what you’re going through,I wish you peace.


Hello @Kimboid

Reading your note, l could write exactly the same things. I am seventeen months into this new unwanted life, am trying to make the best of it but, like you, have days where l cry an awful lot. Like you, l work part time, and have a loving family nearby, but the sense of loss that l feel is difficult to bear at times.

Still, l have got this far, and will plough on as he wanted me to. Sending you a big hug :heart:


Sending a big hug xx

How kind of you to reply! I sometimes think I am crazy and should have “got over it more” by now but of course that’s not how this works. If I have learnt anything in the last two years it is that tomorrow will be different again . The roller coaster ride goes on and on! Take care kx


Thank for reaching out! I certainly didn’t sign up for this membership but here we all are! Hope you find some peace too. Kx


To no that i am not the only one to still be no further on after two and a half years, gives me hope i am not going crazy. Although i dont wish these feelings on any one. The pain is awful.
The blur has gone, but nothing else. Days you just cry most of the day, The loss is so great, you wonder how you can carry on.
I have only recently joined this community group and posts i have had, give me a little hope. We were together over 50 years Hopefully, some things will gradually get better, even if it takes years . Hopefully we will have more good days and in time can learn to live with our loss. My heart goes out to uou, knowing exactly how you are feeling. We will be strong. We WILL get through this. We will do this for those we lost, they would not want us to be unhappy. Theres those grandchildren we love so much . Keep strong and a big hug x

Sending you a big hug x

I am exactly the same after 2 years plus without my husband. We were together married for 54 years and I knew him for 56 years altogether. I feel lost and bereft and just long for my life with him again even though he had dementia which floored me unfortunately emotionally. Family are so good but just don’t really understand the terrible void… how can they or anyone who has not been through this terrible grief understand? Every day I seem to dread getting up to face another day without him in an area I am unfamiliar with having moved to be nearer to my family. My lovely old dog is my lifeline. Wherever i go i just feel empty but I know he wouldn’t want me to be like this and neither would your husband want you to be so sad. We just have to carry on I guess as best as we can. Sending you my good wishes.

There is such a void ,and no one else can fill it or no what its like. I so hope in time we can come to terms with every thing and have just a little happiness ,with out feeling guilty. But that seems so far away at present. We miss them in so many ways.
Looking straight in front of me i see family on my left ,family on my right and down the middle this deep dark tunnel , with no light at the end. Perhaps in time this void will disappear a little.
About a year ago my family got me a little rescue dog. He has given me a reason to get up in the mornings. Also to go out every day. I woulnt be without him. I didnt rescue him, he rescued me from a very very dark place. I am so lucky to have him.
As you say we must carry on as best we can. We will never stop loving them. I yearn so much somedays just to feel his arms give me a hug and him saying every thing will be ok. It isnt going to happen, but i try to console myself by thinking one day we will meet again.
No things are not easy, but we must try to stay strong(easier
said then done) and try to work through all our thoughts and emotions. I tell myself intime i can. How long it will take i have no idea.
I will keep you in my thoughts and hope we can reach the end of this long and bumpy road.
Best wishes. X