Not sleeping well💤

Find it difficult to stay asleep
Takes ages to fall asleep when I do sleep few hours and wake up either cant sleep or have bad dreams
Some I remember others I cant but I know in the dreams it’s like I’m trapped
Now I switch to peppermint tea at night and listen to calming music in bed or I try write things down sometimes
As today would have been my Mum in law birthday
Sure my daughter and I got her purple baloons we write msg late release into sky & light candle
But wish we could see her for real but we can’t
She was always so tough never thought she would die it be 1 yr on 23rd she died cancer
I never forget Valentine’s Day now as it was the day my dad died but family didn’t tell me find a month after he died
It’s complicated & didn’t really get chance to know my dad
Have so many regrets and feel so guilty & angry but cant change things
It broke my heart my dad dying affect me so much know crazy as I didn’t really know him😢
Sometimes easier talking to people on this site
Than family or friends they really don’t understand what ur going through💔
Or think your fine over it if past certain time

I have trouble sleeping especially since my husband died 10 days ago. I am up by 5.30 every morning but this morning I got at 4 am as I just couldn’t go back to sleep . I have found CBD oil really helpful when I go to bed , it helps me to drop off. Doesn’t stop me waking early hours but at least I now sleep a bit.

This is the link above.
I buy it from Holland & Barrett. It is expensive but he definitely works for me .

Hi im so sorry about your los
Glad you came on this site hopefully you will get some comfort & support
Even reading other people post can sometimes help
Thankyou for the link
I may try this
Seem to have tried everything else & nothing works
Guess hust hard to switch off especislly at night
Thats when you lie awake or in tears thinking about everything
Please take care
Big Hugs :heart: