Not started grieving yet…

My dad passed away 12 days ago after a short illness. I loved him so much we had a really good relationship and I am going to miss him so much. When he was ill I cried a lot and I was physically sick at the thought of loosing him. Since he has passed I have hardly cried. I am quite deep and don’t cry easily normally but I’m starting to wonder what is wrong with me?? I know you can be numb but does this last this long? We haven’t had the funeral yet either. I feel like I’ve accepted it? But after speaking to friends who have also lost parents it sounds like my grieving journey can’t have started yet? Has anyone else felt like this?

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Yes, after my son passed away, there were about two weeks where we were all too numb to cry properly. Believe me, you will start crying soon, and then you’ll probably find it hard to stop. So sorry for your loss.

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