
Well, I lost my dear Dad last March. Nothing is easing, nothing is getting less painful.
The loss was sudden and unexpected, made worse by enforced separation due to covid.
I’ve had about 4 different courses of counselling. Nothing is helping me. I am in complete despair and need my Dad so badly.
On my recent birthday I asked my Dad for a sign. Something to perhaps give me some kind of hope that he may be able to see us, but NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. I really am struggling, I just don’t know what to do.

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Gee1, I’m sorry you’ve lost you Dad. I understand how raw and painful it feels, as I’ve lost both parents.
Please don’t despair. It took years before I had a sign from my Dad. I firmly believe you will get a sign eventually.
Take care


Gee, I am sad to hear that you have so much pain and that counselling has not helped with reducing your grief. It is hard when special people in our lives have to go and leave us. Things change but they do seem to be around just watching. Don’t look to hard but try to live normally if possible and see it things improve. Take care of yourself. S xx

I get this….so it was my eldest brother who died suddenly 2 years ago and it’s not getting easier even though everyone around me thinks I’m incredibly amazing with the way I’ve ‘dealt with it’ but I’ve had to for everyone else!
I’m actually a bit fucked up, but no one can see it! Xx

I so understand … I used to hear my dad’s voice or his thoughts in my head helping me in what to do …
but never a real sign.

you do not know what you have until it is gone … not fully. it is painful and I am sorry.

So sorry for your loss. I lost mom suddenly and unexpectedly 3 weeks ago. I am in extreme pain and suffering every second of the day.i watch Matt Fraser videos everyday which makes me feel better. I have started believing there is life after death and one day we will reunite with our family members who have passed away. Do you believe in these things? If yes, have you considered going to psychic medium?