November 24th 2023

Hello all
I am dreading November 24th this year it’ll be 7 years I lost my lovely mum. I’ve decided to take it as a day of work to be with my dad he’ll be all on his own I can’t bear being in work knowung that. I’m liable to have a go at the public with the abuse I got in my job. It’s not worth it.
My dad needs him and I need him this is to much for me to cope with.

Hi Steven. I think it is a good idea to spend the day with your Dad. It is going to be hard as you know but let yourself grieve and be kind to yourself. I am sorry you have to deal with stupid, ignorant people. There are some real arseholes out there but there are a few good ones which you sound like. Keep talking and sending you hugs. I am dreading 15th November, it would have been my husband’s birthday. The first one since he passed 7 weeks ago. I am closing the door and staying away from people as like you if someone says something I am liable to lose it. Xx

Hi billie.
Thanks for your kind words I’m sorry for your loss. You have to keep going find the strength in yourself to carry on. It’s far from eaasy.
Everyday I do my job I am faced with these stupid arseholes giving me grief for a job I love so much to be honest it’s what’s kept me going day in day out. I’ve had days when I felt giving it all up but it’s not me. I’m to determined I think I get of my mum I truly believe my mum would be looking down on me and be so proud of me. When truth is I was more proud of my mum for everything. My mum used to think I was unemployable because I could never hold a job down but I wanted to prove my mum wrong everyone to. This job means everything to me. I love what I do.
So now I face nearly 7 years since my mum left me it hurts me so much I can’t hear her lovely voice and see her smile. I can’t even ring my mum to tell her about my mum not even a hug from her. It’s downright cruel. It’s all been taken away from me. I didn’t ask for this.
As for grieving I have been doing a lot of it. God knows I have got plenty of time to grieve. Sending you hugs to