
Is it normal to not cry for a day or two and tell yourself nothing has happened it will all be okay?
When you know the worst most utterly devastating thing has changed your insides and life and mind forever…Soo heartbreakon I cant comprehend

Of course it is Ade. If that’s what you have to do right now then yes, it’s ‘normal’. We do what we have to do. I’m not quite sure what normal is. Don’t even think there is a normal in all of this. We all deal with grief individually. There are some similarities now and again I guess but it always boils down to each of us as individuals in how we deal with our losses. I certainly wouldn’t worry my head wondering what is ‘normal’ and what isn’t. Anything you do or, don’t do, is obviously right for you. I’m sure every day is different. It is in my house anyway. Whatever the day brings I try my best to deal with it in some form or other. Some days more successfully than others but who’s bothered. I’m not. I gave up on normal in January. That’s if I was ever normal in the first place…!!! Love to you x


Thankyou I really appreciate your message im sorry for your loss at first I was in tears on the floor now I kerp telling myself he’s at the shops or in hospital and I’ll go up to help him eat it doesn’t seem real or right even though I know what has devastated my future hopes and dreams im so lost on my own people say in time it will heal I’ve list my soulmate of seventeen years how can I ever feel better witnesing in the way he passed traumatises me it’s horrific we had our future mapped out dreams and hopes all cruelly tragically ripped away from us take care of yourself as much as possible snd thankyou x

Hello Ade
I’m sorry you’re having a particularly bad few days. I don’t cry all
the time but am certainly crying inside. Nothing can ever be “normal” again when we’ve lost our life’s partner. I hope things are a little easier for you tomorrow.
Take care
Lucy x

HI Lucy thanks for the message your right my insides are shattered dreading waking up alone again find myself looking up at his pillow over night to see his head pushing my hand over so I can hold his hand fighting back my tears telling myself he’s at the shops or in hospital and I’ll be fine but in reality I know another long lonely silent night full of sorrow ahead and the future holds the same take care speak soon xx