on my own

15 months after my wife passed away l think whats the point . no one to say good night to no one to say good morning to, just a long day on your own


Hi Bobby, i am the same as you, I don’t see anyone, i live alone, i really don’t want to be here!


I am sorry to hear you are suffering badly after 15 months. It is nearly seven months since I lost my dear husband and I am struggling a great deal, I miss him so much. I do see my brother each week and see friends at odd times, but most of the family live away but we do use FaceTime. I am alone a lot and find the loneliness difficult to handle. Grief has changed me in so many ways and I feel a different person with no confidence and sense of purpose. I am trying to sort out some sort of life with my husband in my thoughts. I know my life will never be the same again and it is a devastating thought without my husband, he was everything to me.
I am having counselling which is slightly helping, have you had any? Do you have good support?
Sending hugs x


I am really struggling too. What is the purpose of carrying on. No one to cuddle up to. I loved him so much. 9 months down the line and it’s so difficult.
I’m on holiday with my son & family but feel so alone going back to the room on my own. I just break down crying. .


Dear @BOBBY2

Many of us if not all of us can identify with how you feel, the loneliness and days that are long when you lose your spouse.

There is an organisation called The Silver Line that offers information and support, has access to local groups and services along with regular friendship calls, a service run by Age UK.

The Silver Line is for people aged 55 and over. There is a helpline available 24/7 for friendship, conversation and support even if it is just to say ‘good morning’ to get your day off to the right start. The free phone number is 0800 4 70 80 90.

It would be with looking at their website to see what they have to offer. I hope this will be of help to you.

Take care.



I know how you are feeling i losed my husband coming up a year now i was the same as you but my husband would not want me to be like that and as well we have family to go on for iam not saying that i do not havd bad days i have a lot of tham i miss him like it is yesterday you will get they sending big hug your way

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