One step forward one back

15 months since the unexpected death of my soul mate.seems like yesterday.
One minute I’m getting on with life. Planning trips. The next I’m lonely and lost. I have great support around me and I know I’m lucky but will I live like this forever? My husband was the backbone of our family. I know I can’t follow in his footsteps. I know I’m not good enough.
Most of the time I feel like an imposter!


I am so sorry for your loss. My angel also lost his life so suddenly and unexpectedly and I feel the same, 9 months in, he was my rock, my everything and I am now totally lost and hopeless without him. Trying to do what he did is a huge challenge but I have no choice but to keep trying with the hope that one day I will be able to manage maybe not as well as he did but I would settle just to get by.
I believe we sometimes are more capable than we give ourselves credit for.
Please don’t be discouraged & be kind to yourself.
Take care x


Aw im nearly 14 months into this journey and its so hard isnt it ? In many ways it feels like it gets harder as reality hits ! And i feel the same - like im not good enough too. Life has changed so very much now hasnt it ? I dont even recognise my life as it is now to how it was 14 months ago . Ive made some new friends and i think thats the way to go tbh as we re - form our life but still there are days when you go right back to your old life with sadness and wishing it was back. Xx


Yeh thats so true. We must be kind to ourselves mustnt we ? Its so hard this road and im just like @JackieJ im ok one day and totally lost on others :frowning: i had a bloody meltdown today just because i had to do one of my husband jobs ! I did actually scream out loud and actually it helped release that bloody pain in your heart which can be so overwhelming … i think they should do compulsory boxing matches like in the advert for us bereaved xx


That’s a great idea, boxing helps release anger, pain and all other emotions.
I must say I’ve learned quite a lot in the past 9 months having to deal with what my angel used to do - so stressful and overwhelming but I did it somehow.
Hope you have a peaceful day today :+1:xx


Yeh … be good wouldnt it. I have learned a lot too but some days it just gets to you doesnt it … having to do something they did … i was having a bad morning anyway … its so tough some days - i miss him so much - he was my rock and my protector xx


You too. This group helps me to realise I’m not the only one to feel this way
Take care fellow traveller on this journey we’re on x

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Someday okay someday just sucks!
I miss him too 24/7 he was my rock too and I always felt safe around him - now I am so lost and all over the place :sob::sob::sob:


Take care
Sending hugs X

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I know exactly what you mean ! My husband was my rock too … trusted him completely with my feelings ! We are so lost without that love aren’t we :frowning: xx

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Yes we are, lost without our guardian angels :sob:
Let us stay strong & carry on with our beloved in our hearts and minds x