One year on....

It’s been a year since my mum passed away. Even now, I have to do a double-take as I write these words. Yes, it really happened. She is gone. It is surreal, and still so raw.
Mum was known to most as Margot. One of the most courageous, kind and special wee woman. If you knew her, you were lucky, if you loved her, well you knew what real love was!
She was the most extraordinary Mum. It was just her and me and she flourished me with enough love as if from a bounty of parents. Her infinite capacity for love defined everything she did — it was how she interacted with and changed the world around her.
We had our ups and downs like any parent/child relationship but we had far more ups than downs. Oh and those ups were truly amazing.
I think of those times now and feel her warm cuddle around me, telling me things will be okay and the hurt will become bearable but for now it’s still so painful.
I was so privileged to have wee Margot as my Mum, my friend and my refuge whenever I needed her.
Life does go on but it’s clear that I will never stop missing wee Margot, I will just learn to live around the gaping hole of her absence. I still can’t imagine living without her in my daily life. I still reach for the phone to tell her something that has just happened. She will live on in the warmth of my broken heart that I know will never fully heal, but I know she would want me to continue growing and experiencing life, even with my wounded heart.
Mum you will always be remembered, loved and cherished.


What a lovely tribute you have written about wee Margot, your very special mum.
I think she would have been very proud of you for posting this.

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Thank you so much Jo for your kind words. If I’m half the woman she was then I’ll be happy xxx

Gosh your post resonated with me. Your Mum sounds like my Mum. How lucky we are to have been blessed with our special Mums and to have been loved so much. It doesn’t make the loss easier to bear but to have been loved like that is truly wonderful xxxxx

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