One year on

Today is one year to the day since the loss of my mum. For the last week I’ve had a pit in my stomach and I’m guessing it’s quite normal to relive that day I’m not going to lie I’m shattered today it’s been a lot trying to keep intrusive thoughts at bay.

Would love to know how others coped on anniversary’s? How you felt or even how you marked the day.

As always sending love to anyone struggling today :heart:

Hello @Charlotte74,

Thank you for reaching out - I’m so sorry about your mum.

We have an article about coping with death anniversaries you might find helpful to read:

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support too, but I just wanted to share this with you.

Be gentle with yourself today :blue_heart:

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I’m not at a year anniversary yet for my husband but we have had a series of celebrations that were difficult the most recent being Father’s Day for my kids.
We chose to celebrate the day doing something that would have been a typical Father’s Day’s for us and we had some laughs, got soaked in the rain and cried many tears.
I think just don fantasy right for you is the best way.
Sending love and strength xx

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