One year

I can’t believe a year has gone by. So much has changed but at the same time, time has stood still. Not quite sure how I’ve made it to a year. It’s hard to accept that he’s not actually coming back even though I knew that from the start.:disappointed::broken_heart:


To Dearest @Lou33
Our grieving friend.
It won’t be an easy day, but you will get through with the love and strength of your husband in your heart and soul
Be extra kind to yourself today.

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Thank you xx


I hope you managed to cope ok. It’s truly a horrible day of all sorts of emotions rising to the surface, I had the one year for me last week and it was so hard. I chose the day to plant a tree in his memory but going forwards, I’m now not going to focus on that day again, I am going to remember his life not the ‘D’ day but we are all different and find our own coping mechanisms in terms of how we deal with it

Thank you, I have coped. It has been a very emotional day but I have talked about him loads to family/friends, cried and laughed.
Your right we will all find out own way but remembering his life is a good way forward. A memory tree is a lovely idea x

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Well done angel :innocent:

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