Other People

My wife passed away nearly 12 weeks ago. Whilst making a cup of tea at work today a guy came up to me and says that he was sorry to hear about my wife. I thanked him for asking and then he proceeded to ask if everything is back to normal now? I nearly exploded and told him things will never be back to normal EVER!

I feel a bit guilty in my reaction but some people just don’t have a clue.


Oh @StuartC

Some people!

They just don’t think. They haven’t been where we are, so they’ll never understand.

I’m sorry you had to have that happen.

Sending you a big hug x x

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I’m so sorry that you had to experience that.
If there is one thing I have learnt recently it’s that some people are really damn stupid !!!
Either that or they have never loved anyone ?
How people think we can get over such a loss in such a short period of time is unbelievable.
Hopefully he will think before he asks such a stupid question again.
Try not to let it stay in your head. These people aren’t worth getting upset over.


So sorry.

I really have no answer as to why some people say or do stupid or uncaring things.

Don’t feel guilty I think you showed great restraint!


People have no idea, unless they’ve been there.
I’ve come to learn that people don’t really know what to say but they feel they need to fill the silence…
But they fill it with gibberish nonsense, in ways that, if they stopped to listen to themselves, they’d learn that sometimes silence really is golden!
My boss asked me how things were… and when told him exactly ‘how things were’ he replied ‘still?’…
Well done on your restraint…


yes, very! my boss did something similar, right after I got back after one week of loss. i didn’t speak at that job for months. was silent, did my work and left. would talk to no one. it is oh so hard. :heart:

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That’s awful. Some people seem to think it’s like a bad cold! Well done for not landing him one.

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