Our children

On 12th August, my husband’s son overdosed and died. He was 28 years old. This destroyed our world, as you can imagine. Then, just as we were starting to process this, 7 weeks later, my son ended his life. He was 25 years old. Both of our boys are gone, our hearts are broken forever. The pain is so unbearable, I just don’t know how we are supposed to get through this…


I’m so sorry for the loss of your children, @PurpleLlama. I can hear the pain in your words. You’re not alone - sadly many of our members have experienced the death of their son or daughter. You might wish to connect with @Ali76 and @Dollypeg whom are both sadly bereaved by suicide.

In the meantime, I wanted to point you in the direction of two organisations I know our members have found to be helpful in coping with the loss of their child.

  • Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, who offer support to people over 18 who have been affected by suicide.

  • The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. They have a grief companion scheme where you can get 1-1 support from another bereaved parent. You can call them on 0345 123 2304.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, too. The community is here for you.

Take care,

My son ended his life too and I understand your pain, it’s unbearable isn’t it? You need to take one day at a time. It’s impossible to see the lights at the end of the tunnel as we are blinded by grief. My son died in August and there aren’t the words to express fully what I feel like. The longing to see him is unbearable at times. I don’t know what I would have done without the support of the lovely people on here who have suffered the same loss. They told me in the beginning that it would get easier with time and I didn’t believe them as it had all just happened. My son has only been gone a short while three and a half months and although I’m missing him like mad and long to have him back time is starting to give me moments where I don’t feel as bad. This too will happen to you also, in time. I don’t think we’ll ever get over it but with time we’ll learn to live with it. They would want us too , sending you love x

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I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my daughter who was 28 in September and is a suspicion death have to go to a corner’s court in January, and lost my sister a week ago my heart is breaking and never thought i could cry so much have so much heart ache and emptyness inside trying my best to take every second off each day as it comes,
Every day is a new day
Sending a big hug your way


There isn’t anything in the world that can compare with losing your child. In the beginning I had people around me all the time. However after my son’s funeral I was mostly left to get on with it and to say it has been unbearable doesn’t come close. I’ve been desperately lonely at times and even considered following my son as I felt I couldn’t go on. No mother should lose a child. It’s made worse knowing he didn’t want to live any longer. I feel dead inside and I’m sick of people expecting me to feel like they do. I am devastated, he’s only been gone four months. During this time please do what’s right for you and not what others want. My heart breaks for you and all the others going through this. I occasionally have times where I feel a little brighter and you will too in time. Sending you love x


I’m just wondering how you are? X

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I’m not to bad thankyou feeling a little better more positive in this new year,
I volunteer in a charity shop in my local town and haven’t been in for a few months,
And going to take a step forward and go back today for a few hours.
Thankyou for asking how are you doing my lovely x

I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better, I am too after the burden of Christmas is over x