Our lovely Queen

How heartbroken to see the news about our lovely Queen.
I am a Catholic living in NI & and most people expect you won’t support or appreciate her. It’s the total opposite for me! My Martin knew how much I was interested in the Royal
family. I’m so upset because my Martin should be sitting here beside
me… God Bless her but she is with Phillip now xx


Yes, an extraordinary lady, the perfect Queen, feel particularly touched as London is my birthplace and where I grew up. I remember at school, having a big party to celebrate her Jubilee - 25yrs of reign-in 1977.
God bless the Queen.


Feeling very sad and tearful at the loss of a very rare soul. A friend said to me how each new loss brings back past ones. The Queen had lost her husband last year and we know how that feels, to lose your life partner; there is no greater grief. She carried on stoically but I think after the loss of Prince Phillip she plummeted. The world will be a different place without our beautiful Queen. I hope she is now reunited with her beloved husband.


The Queen’s death has finally started my deep sense of loss for my mum. Mum died in March last year - 18 months ago. At the time we were still under some COVID restrictions and I hadn’t been to see her since December 2020 although we spoke regularly on the phone. I was caring 24/7 for my husband who had two strokes and was unable to walk or talk. When mum died I hardly had the energy to grieve so I pushed it aside as much as I could. Then my husband died in the August which overshadowed mum’s death. I’m slowly adapting to my life without my beloved husband but still felt pretty numb about my mum’s death. Then on Tuesday seeing photos of the Queen looking so frail but with sparkly eyes and a warm smile just hit me hard. She reminded me so much of my mum. They were both from that stoical generation that just got on with things regardless. Then today when the Queen died, the floodgates opened. I’ve not stopped crying and am finally feeling all the pain of losing my mum that I’ve tried to bury. Mum was ready to go. She missed my dad and her younger sister. COVID restrictions were hard on her and she was in a lot of pain. We were not with her when she died. She died in the hospital with strangers who didn’t know her and now I’m very sad and missing her so much.


Hello everyone,

Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling. When a public figure dies, the news can elicit a range of emotions. There is no right or wrong way to feel.

We have a page on grieving for a public figure which can talk you through some of what you may be experiencing right now. You can read it here: https://www.sueryder.org/blog/grieving-for-a-public-figure

We are all here for each other, please do keep reaching out and take care,



I’m feel really emotional today with the news of the Queen’s death. Like others it’s triggered a flood of emotions, thinking about how the world changes and our loved ones aren’t with us to witness it, makes me miss my mum so much. She loved the Queen and her book shelves would always contain the latest royal biography. I think knowing she would have been so sadden by this news has made me miss her so much today. Thank you @Seaneen for sharing the page about grieving for public figures. Grief really does ebb and flow. God Bless the Queen.


I am feeling the same… it’s opened the repressed floodgates, but feeling so much for the Royal Family. Nothing is permanent, and maybe that’s what hits …

What an inspirational figurehead she was … RIP



Totally get this.
I am really upset for her family and know something of how they feel. To see the King speaking this evening I felt for him, heartbreaking :broken_heart:
Kevin loved the Queen and I am sad he isn’t here to share the moment.
It does bring our own feelings of sadness as it is everywhere.
She was lovely and will be greatly missed x