
lts 6 weeks since Steve died 10 days after being diagnosed with cancer. I live in a bungalow which is too big and too lonely. Steve was a hoarder and I am overwhelmed by how mch stuff I need to get rid of as I need to move next year. Can anyone offer advice? I feel so lost and alone. No children, and both of us were the youngest in our families. Me at 59 with health issues and Steve was 75. Every early morning I am awake worrying abiur how I sort it.

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@Juliebobs . Sorry for your loss. I lost my husband 5 months ago very soon after a cancer diagnosis. I have mobility problems and my husband was a bulk buyer so I have similar problems with a lot of stuff to get rid of. I have been setting myself small goals each day. I have got rid of some things on Facebook. Neighbours and friends have taken other things. I wonder if you could work with a house clearance company? I don’t think they have to take everything. Or perhaps some charities could help.
Over the 5 months I have got the worst room so that it can now operate as a bedroom again but I have had help. Soon after he died his brother and his wife were here and helped me clear a lot to charity shops and neighbours have also helped with other things. I am lucky. My bungalow is not too big and I don’t have a time frame but there is a saying about eating the elephant one bite at a time. Just try and clear a little each day and you will get through it. Good luck. My thoughts are with you. Xx. Sandra

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Hello, it can be overwhelming can’t it? I felt the same, what worked for me is deciding on a plan of action which was to aim to fill 2 black sacks per week so I’d have 4 bags to go out on rubbish day, stuff that could do a turn for someone else I put together in a room & then rang a couple of charity shops inviting them around to take whatever they felt would sell, then I put everything that was left into one space and asked for a house clearance company to get rid of it.

The answer for me was to put a plan into place that I felt I could manage, in respect of my home I decided to stay for 2 years before I returned to that decision.

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That is an excellent plan.

Have got rid of a few things today. Showed my brother the stare of some of the rooms and workshop. Hopefully some help will ve offered.

Well done . It is a start. It is going to be very hard. Xx. Sandra

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Thankyou. Sat down now. Think its going to be a long evening. Though I find early morning the worst xx

Well you did better than me. I have done absolutely nothing today. My chiropodist came yesterday and for some reason my knee is always bad the day after. The evenings are just sooooooo long and cold and miserable. My husband died in June and these dark nights just make me so aware of time passing. Plus have to be up for my carers at 07:00 in the morning so these days are really long. Really will try and sort out at least one thing tomorrow. Yesterday was so successful. Got rid of a full dulce gusto coffee maker never used and tumble dryer never used. Tomorrow is unfortunately another day. Xx Sandra

Make the best of your evening. I will escape with All Creatures Great ànd Small xx

That will be my evening as well.

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Hope you all have a nice evening.
I haven’t done much today.
The room is full of things to sort out.
Will do at weekend hopefully
My friend is coming to stay for a couple of days in 2 weeks so bettet start clearing out or she’ll be sleeping on boxes and bags.
Take care
Lynne x

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I am sure you will do it with a target date.