Overwhelming grief

It’s now been 13 weeks since I lost my darling wife. I was with her when she passed away with lung cancer at home. I am devastated and it is getting worse. All I want is to be with her. We were together 57 years and my life has no meaning. I have nothing to look forward to anymore. Love to all who are grieving.


Geoff I can truly relate to what you are feeling. It’s been about 12 weeks, I think, since I lost my adorable husband and friend. The days seem so long and I often wonder what on earth is there to look forward to now. I may not have been with my Keef for quite as long as you, but we were together almost 44 years. It’s left such a huge hole in my life that it’s difficult to ever be positive. I’m hoping eventually I’ll stop crying everyday. Best wishes


So sorry for your loss. I know men are not supposed to cry but I cry now every day.

GEOFF, it’s very raw for you yet and I was 57 when my husband of nearly 41yrs passed away. It’s been 18 months of hell and I still struggle and cry day and night. I am sending you big hugs :hugs: as I know exactly how much your hurting. It’s about getting through the day albeit you could easily see it far enough. Take care of yourself :pleading_face: