Painting a smile on

I im always having to shoe im strong .
Feel out with his family because they dont like the way i done things. But he was my better half . Just added pressure off them . I want to stop and cry all the time but i cant because they will see in weak. Im missing him but just cant let myself greive for him st the moment and im feeling so lost

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You cry when you want is part of grieving you take care of yourself lv annie x

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Hi @Diane80,

Welcome to the community - I hope that you find it helpful to chat to others and share how you’re feeling. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m so sorry to hear about the death of your partner. It sounds as though things are very tough at the moment and you are feeling overwhelmed.

Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here:

You may also find the information pages on our website helpful - if you have a spare few minutes, please do take a look:

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please do keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


Online Community team

Thank you Annie,
Its just hard at the moment to let myself go.
Ive always been strong . But i tired you know. Its been 5 months , yet still feels like yesterday .
He died out side our home in car accident and i have to look where he lay every day…and the issue with his family .
I hate him not being here . He was my world , i feel lost without him like i have no future now . I long just to hear is voice or touch .
But no one understands how i feel in side because like i said i have to show im strong all the time .


Dear Diane, I’m so sorry for your loss and completely understand your feelings. My husband died in an accident in November last year and I feel my life is over. I’m staying with my mum in Belgium and my family all live nearby. I feel so very alone. We didn’t have children and my siblings all have children and grandchildren. Today was my mother’s 94th birthday and they all called. All I wanted to do was hide and cry. They all miss my husband but they don’t talk about him. I try to be positive and join their conversations, but its obvious that I’m only pretending to be interested. I don’t want to drag them down with my sadness and spoil their fun. I feel I have nothing in common with them. I miss Steve so much and just can’t stop the tears. Outside the New Year fireworks are going off but there is no cheer in my heart. I’m tired of painting a smile on my face. I just want to return to the UK where we have lived for 41 years.
I hope the New Year brings you joy and happiness xx

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Dear Diane I’m lucky I have 2wonderfull children but my son talks about his dad but my daughter doesn’t like to talk about her dad upsets her you take of yourself annie x x

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