I lost my dad last October to quick terminal illness. He was diagnosed in September and passed away in the October.
I have two siblings all miss my dad terribly, I personally have had delayed grief and it has come out over the last few months .
My mum has now moved on . Soon after dad passed she started up a friendship with a man from her church who was bereaved last year and they would go out for dinner and meet up possibly twice a week from about December around to January .
She went away for a week with a friend which did her some good and seemed to living life normally until lockdown .
Then lockdown happened and this man went away to stay with his family and their friendship turned into something more .
He was calling more and when he came back she is now around his all the time . He is a lot older and the revelation of their relationship has not been well handled.
My younger sibling guessed and my older sibling was told on the doorstep of her house before our mum turned around and walked of to go home after being at her house one evening . And myself I asked straight out as he was constantly being talked about .
Myself and my older sibling do not feel comfortable with this as we feel it is too soon after our dads passing and also with a big age gap it makes us uncomfortable.
We have said to our mum if she wishes to carry on then please do but respect our wishes to not be involved , not wish to hear about it or have anything to do with him .
I still live at home and find it uncomfortable when he comes to the house to pick her up and calls our house as well .
Mum seemed to respect the boundaries at first but after a conversation at the weekend she announced she was thinking of living with this man in the future .
I asked her to slow down and not rush into anything as the whole thing feels very rushed . She seems to be rushing everything- clearing out our dads clothes and belongings and rushing into this .
She says she has thought it through clearly , but honestly it doesn’t feel like that .
We feel like she has also disrespected And disregarded our grief and is just moving on to quickly .
I personally feel unable to trust in her and not comfortable around her as well due to this development. I can fairly say myself and my siblings have had enough for different reasons and just want the dust to settle now so we can move on .
Are we wrong for feeling this is to soon , rushed and for feeling our grief has been disrespected?