Parentless... Feeling so alone

Just had a really long cry after hearing my bf chatting to his dad on the phone, exchanging I love yous. I didn’t tell him that it set me off, he probably thought it was random as i started sobbing a bit later. It was so painful to be reminded that I will never have a chat like that with my mum or dad for that matter. I’m now a full orphan

The whole world feels so empty and pointless. People say I’m here for you, they say they don’t expect you to be normal but they act as if they do. It’s not their fault, I genuinely believe that unless you experience a loss of a close loved one yourself you can never understand. It’s easy for people to dish out well meaning platitudes when they have both their parents, it really hurts.

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I know how you feel. I sob after conversations with friends who talk about their parents. I have nobody now. My recently deceased mam was my world. It hurts so much knowing i can only kiss and say i love you to her photo

Hi. sanjab. It will happen. These are ‘triggers’ that remind you of he past. Of course you will cry, who wouldn’t? The Loss has been great. People don’t understand, and behave accordingly. Loss is so very personal. Platitudes and cliches however well intentioned can make our emotions worse. Of course they don’t understand, how could they. It was your mum and dad not theirs.
I lost my parents many years ago and I do remember the mourning and grief. My wife died 18 moths ago and the pain is still there but is diminishing. There are still times when I get upset over events that happen and I have no one to share with
You can talk to your parents in your own way. I believe they hear you. They would not want you to be miserable over them.
Take it easy. Be kind to yourself. Blessings.