Parents pensions gone

So my mum died when she was 63 years old and my dad 4 years later when he was 65 years old. My mum worked for BUPA for most of her life and my Dad worked for the NHS, so both had private pensions and had taken them early.
When ive been sorting out everything after my Dad passed in December 2023 I just cant get over the fact that all the money they have left over in their pension pots, that they have been paying into all their lives, is just gone. It just makes me think what is the point in paying into a pension in the first place! I know the expectation is that people will live to a good age but if they dont its just wrong that the rest of the pot just disappears.

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Sorry to hear about your parents. If your dad had still been working you would have received a lump sum from his pension but unfortunately he had already retired. Take care xx

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I have named my children as the beneficiaries of mine if I pass away so any pot left they will get a small amount, i dont draw on it at the moment as only 61.

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Hello @Victoria22 and @Punto I just think it is so sad that people pay into pensions their whole lives and if they pass away at a fairly early age their children can only get a small amount in the form of a lump sum (unless they are financially dependent on their parents). I havent been able to get anything as both took early retirement. But i just think how much they must have paid in over the years and they would have gone mad if they knew all the remainder of their pensions had just gone. I suppose i need to think of it like an insurance policy, you pay your insurance all your life but you might never need to make a claim :woman_shrugging: