
So it was my 60th birthday last week. 7 months from my wife’s passing.
And my daughter organising a small party .
Few work mates and family came it was a really good
Night everyone had a good time .
I drank to much it was the first time I had took a drink in 13 years. And the next day I was sick as a dog .
But like I said everyone enjoyed the party took lots of photos.
But 3 days later I have went on the biggest downer I have ever had since my wife past . I just can’t shake myself out of it .she had so much plans for my 60th and never got to see it.andcthe fact that she was not there is killing me .
It’s like I don’t see the point in anything and wish I had not had the party.
Is it quilt I’m feeling or just sadness I don’t know .
Has this happened any one else.
It just feels like can’t get they fact I had a good time and she was not there is wrong…
It’s the first party I have ever had in my life my birthday has never been a good time It’s the day of my 6 year old brothers anniversary I watched him get run over and killed when he was 6 I was 5 .so it was never a good time in our house growing upwhen my birthday came along .

My husband died 15 months ago it is my 60th on Sunday all my family are saying I should celebrate how can I. I have told them I don’t want any fuss I only want my husband here. On Saturday my son and daughter are taking me fir a meal on Sunday my family are coming over to mine really don’t want any of it. Like you I feel guilty if I’m enjoying anything don’t know how I will be at the weekend. I think our families think it will do us good. So sorry for your loss

Hi all it was my 60th a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t celebrate it, just went for lunch with some family. It was easier, I didn’t want the fuss., and I enjoyed it for a few hours, it was enough for me.

Hard isn’t it trying to please family because they want to make it special but like you do not want the fuss.