Passing of my mum and my wife’s dad

Hello everyone. I find it hard to let my feelings out to my wife as not long after my mum the rock of our family passed her dad also being the rock of the family passed , I never want to unload my feelings to her as she has also lost a significant part of her and I always feel like our pain being somewhat similar is light years apart. So as sue ryder was what helped my mum be able to make her last days easier i thought it would also help me sharing my story on here.

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Hello @Navara56, thank you so much for bravely sharing your story with us. I really hope you find the community to be a safe and supportive space.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum, and for your wife’s loss. It’s understandable that you would worry about unloading your feelings to her when you are both grieving. Your grief and feelings are important, too, and if you think that you or your wife could use some external support for your grief, please do take a look at our Online Bereavement Support page, which has lots of options including our online counselling, Grief Guide self-help service and our Grief Coach text service.

Keep reaching out and take good care.
