
Morning everyone,
I lost my hubby of 43 years in February past, he died alone, hadn’t been feeling great that day, decided to sleep downstairs, at 2am I awoke went down to see if he was ok, sleeping, at 6ish, got up and he had passed, Blind panic set in, knew in my heart he was gone, phoned 999, had to get him from the chair onto the floor, began resuscitation on the advice of the call handler, I knew it was pointless, continued until paramedics arrived, within 2 minutes of arrival, said he’d passed, so lonely.
Worst thing is walking into an empty house, no one to share your thoughts of the day with, no laughter or the odd wee disagreement!
Miss him soo much :broken_heart:


So sorry that this happened to you like that. I lost my husband December last year. Like yours mine hadn’t been feeling great, he put it down to after effects of COVID jab. He had spent the day in bed. At 1.30 in the morning I woke to find him struggling to get up off the floor, I called my son who was staying to help me lift him but he suddenly went down on the floor again, breathing and eyes open but no response. A few minutes later he stopped breathing, my son started CPR like the 999operator instructed until paramedics arrived. They continued trying to revive him but he had gone. We had been married 52 years. I really feel for you as at least I was there when he went but it doesn’t make it any easier. For the time being I am still living in our home but can’t get the picture out of my head of him lying on the floor. I miss him every day. You carry on day by day because you have to but inside you are broken. No one understands how we try to cope until they go through it themselves. The hardest part is knowing that you now have to live without them. If he was terminally ill we would be better prepared knowing what was to come. It wouldn’t make it any easier but we could understand why, but to go suddenly is heartbreaking. Its hard but we have to remember the good times spent with them, we will never forget them.
Take care :heart:

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I was with my parents, his parents when they passed, it’s heart breaking I wasn’t with Bill.
My neice who had brain surgery and my great nephew who is 5 and very autistic were staying with me, Bill was like a Granda to Jack, I didn’t want him to wake and see Bill, so everything I done was as quiet as possible, I think that hasn’t helped, also telling Jack was heartbreaking :cry:

I lost my husband in a road traffic accident. Never made it to the hospital in time. The police told me that a woman driver who had been in the car behind my husband had stayed with him until the emergency services arrived. It is some small comfort but does nothing to mend my broken heart. Not being able to say ‘goodbye’ cripples me. I waved him off at the door that morning never imagining he would not be coming back and he called me three hours before the crash. For me personally I know I will never get over the fact that he died on the motorbike (a hobby that I hated) and that I was not there to comfort him in his greatest time of need. Wish I could be more positive but this is a journey I never imagined having to face. xxx

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