
I don’t know if this will help anyone it’s sure helped me,55 years of memories in photos many forgotten,I rummaged through the photo tubs and selected quite a lot and downloaded them onto Alexa,everything from us kids in black and white up to recent times,in between the infos and ads Alexa randomly selects photos and shows them,it’s a great reminder of happier times.


I’ve something similar too! I printed off all the favourite photos of us together in various places that we had been travelling through our 37 years together and put them in a plastic folder and named the folder ‘US’. I look at them regularly reminiscing our happy times together - and yes, I agree , it works for me too! I will carry on travelling for both of us just like the way we used to and he can see things through my eyes and feel things through my heart. Love him and miss him terribly!


I am the other way. I just can’t bear to look at photos and I don’t know if I ever will. My first husband died 20 years ago. I had lots of family video which my second husband transferred onto the computer for me. He had to play them on a video recorder to do it and I couldn’t be in the same room. I passed all the photo albums onto my son and still have not watched the videos.
My second husband died the day we came home from a short break away, the SD card from his camera is still in the laptop slot. I will have to sort it out eventually.
Last week I threw away all his photo albums from before I knew him, including his wedding album of his first wife. We were both widowed before we met.
I am odd, I know. But we are all different.
I am glad that your photos give you comfort. Xx