Place we once went...

This is so so hard…I am looking online for a near to me hairdresser seeings I have MS, no car, no Richard and this is hurting so much when I google map a hairdressing salon only to find it was near to the car-park that Richard once parked in to take me elsewhere…It really hurts when i think back to us parking the car in that same location…

I am struggling to find a near hairdresser as most are in Weymouth and Dorchester which practically everywhere one goes is all been pedestrianised, so have to walk some distance with my walking frame - my rollator, which when one has MS, nothing is guaranteed I will even make it, let alone getting myself back to the car, the car which was taken back to the Bedfordshire factory it came from soon after Richards death, he had long retired from their office
Oh ad the church I got taken too last week, although they took all my contact details no one got back to me, so here I am, crying out to go to a church, sitting at home by myself at the computer on another Sunday morning…
I can tell you, if anyone is disabled, do not come to Dorset…or my part of Dorset, it is not disabled friendly…


Hello Jackie
I can understand how painful that blast from the past will have been for you, I’d be exactly the same.
I know you’ll have already thought about this but what about a mobile hairdresser? Maybe the local college’s hairdressing have a facility, most do. It won’t be easy to get to I can imagine but they may have knowledge of mobile hairdressers. You never know. Do you have a local “Gumtree” website?, Maybe you could advertise that you are looking for someone. I know it’s not the same as going to one physically yourself though if you are after a change of scenery from your home surroundings… Take care x

…we have an outside hairdresser who comes to our park-home site guess every 6 weeks, i have left her 2 phone messages, both have been ignored, told by one on site friend, yes one loyal friend, no others bother with me, that she, the hairdresser is -was due in 2 weeks time, think that time has already passed and gone…
