Please help

I’ve just lost my beautiful dad a week ago after visiting him daily in hospital, we have to wait 3 weeks for his funeral which is such a long time , I’m just feeling so unwell in my self I’m feeling dizzy all the time and nausea and got no appetite at all though I’m trying to eat I just have a feeling like I’m not in my body it body else have this or any help at all please I’ve never suffered with dizziness before and it freaking me out . I just feel so lost I miss dad so much

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Hello and many condolences, i lost my mum over a week ago and am feeling the same as you. As is my sister. It’s all part of the grief process hun. Now is the time to really take care of yourself, naps, cups of tea, hot baths, meditation - whatever works for you. I don’t feel like socialising much atm but i got out for a walk round the block and it made me feel a little better.

Eat little and often, the nausea goes eventually but i find it’s better to ride the waves of emotions and bodily sensations than fight against them.

Do you have anyone around you? Sometimes having someone cook or do some of the chores can take the pressure off of trying to function for a while.

Just know it will get better with time and there is no need to rush through your grief.

Take good care of yourself hun, you are not alone x

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Thank you for your reply so sorry for your loss too it’s so hard at the moment I’m struggling to do just about anything, I have a husband but he’s not being very supportive he keeps asking me why I’m crying which is so hurtful as I don’t know what he expects me to be like , I physically feel so not my self light headed and sick just can’t understand why I feel so dizzy I’ve never suffered with dizziness before so it’s freaking me out I just feel so rubbish and not coping very well at all

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Hi, I lost my Mum at Christmas… I’ve learnt there’s no right or wrong way to be, some days I have good days where I feel ok when I think about her and then there’s sad days when everything seems pointless… everyone is different so if you want to cry you should cry it’s entirely normal… and you are coping better than you’ll realise.


I lost my dad just over 3 weeks ago and I still feel very similar. Hard to eat, hard to focus, hard to breathe, hard to live, etc. All the things I enjoyed doing before no longer have meaning to me. I feel like I have no right to enjoy anything because my dad suffered so badly. I’m told life will get better but I cant yet imagine that.

I lost my dad just over 3 weeks ago and I still feel very similar. Hard to eat, hard to focus, hard to breathe, hard to live, etc. All the things I enjoyed doing before no longer have meaning to me. I feel like I have no right to enjoy anything because my dad suffered so badly. I’m told life will get better but I cant yet imagine that.

My mum died early December and my sister and I were so busy the last few months making sure my dad was ok that I didn’t really have time to miss mum. The last week or so I can’t stop crying and my heart hurts, I’m struggling to get up and wash and feel there’s no point or enjoyment in anything and just want to hide away. I’m dreading mother’s day. But I do know in time the hurt will lessen and life will be enjoyable again. The way I look at it is that if we didn’t feel so awful just now it would not reflect on our life lived with them and the love we shared. What would they say if they were sat next to us? Talk to them and tell them how you feel it really helps x

My wife died seven months ago. As a father of four, aged between 32 and 42, I wonder about them all the time and sometimes I worry. I’m constantly looking for signs as to how they are. One thing I’ve noticed is that they hardly ever come to the house now and whenever I drop their mother into a conversation it never gets picked up on. As they are all married with their own children they have plenty to concentrate on to distract them. I know my wife would be devastated to think they suffered any discomfort or pain as she was so protective of her flock, and I suspect many mothers are like that. I’ve decided my role is just to be there for them and try to catch them if they fall.
It’s been very interesting reading this thread and I feel I’ve got a better insight.

Betina- I understand your grief. My dad passed away February 15th and I’m still trying to move forward. The pain is so unbelievable and yes it surely feels like my heart is so very broken… now my sisters and I are dealing with my moms future and how she can go on. Just know you are not alone. Peace to you