Poem for my daughter 💔

The pain searing through my whole body feels all consuming, suffocating me, my heart bleeding, it won’t stop. I know it never will. How can it, there is a gaping hole that will never heal.

Tears flow non stop stinging my cheeks, my eyes can’t see. I don’t want to see. I want to close my eyes and wish this nightmare away forever. But my reality tells me this is not going away.

Knowing I will never see you again fills me with a sadness I could never put into words, feels like I can’t breathe, a panic attack that’s never leaving me. Why did you go? I would have died to save you Chloe… until we meet again.


So sad but so beautiful words, made me cry xx

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Beautiful :heart:

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Such a touching poem. Yes your beautiful words have made me tear up. I remember saying and thinking over and over when we lost Elliott… why did you leave me ? Why not me. Something i cannot understand and never will. Life is so cruel.
Keep writing poems for your angel and our angel’s :sparkles: :two_hearts:

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