Poem - Grief is a Wound

This has been coming to me slowly over the last month or so. I’m not much of a poet but it feels true so thought I’d share.

Grief is a wound:
at first it gushes,
haemorrhaging feeling.

Begins to close,
raw and jagged,
blisters to the touch;
easily reopened
if pressed
against the bitter edge.

Healing is arrhythmic,
spurts and starts,
punctuating numbness.

The wound oozes
with the breath
-a fevered ache
that itches,
throbs and needles,
seeps its longing.

Days dawn with seeming calm
-perhaps, perhaps
the fever’s breaking.

Pain redoubles
-clenched heart, gritted teeth -
ebbs again
bit by bit,

Finally, a scar,
borne faithfully.
Memorial to something loved
deep enough
to leave a mark.


Hi @Mourningbird,

Thank you so much for sharing your poem with us :blue_heart:

Take good care,

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Thank you for sharing this. Its such a powerful poem and i am so glad i got the chance to read it x

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Yes your poem is how it is and explains it so well
Yes it is like a wound
Brave we have to be
For me feels like
Drowning in the sea
Bobbing around on a life raft
Sinking and bobbing along
Then finding an island
Then storms again
Before a calm
Falling down
Getting up
Try again find a scrap
Cat purring
Dawn chorus
Tick to do lists
Soak in bath
Bit of relief
Some days calm
Other days it passes
Talking in my mind
Can’t let go
The bitter sweet
His voice
Not forgotten
Want to hold on
Yet it will go
Soon gradually
You see him in your kids
In your grandkids
Folk say they remember
He did his bit
He lived
What he did is kinda still there but it will evolve
As all things do
The life that shaped
And with all that it was
And still is inside me
So brave he was
He said you will be alright
He thought I would
So I tell myself that
But it is so hard
Because I struggle
We struggle
And it is how it is

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Thank you for sharing your very touching poem🙏

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