Poem the sadness of Christmas

Sadness of Christmas

The first you know its coming but you wish it would go away

It shocks you to your core

New memories made as the old ones fade

The music the noise wishing it would be no more

Not just one day September October is when the madness starts

The true meaning forgotten just pain in your heart

The seconds not as hard but still the person fades

The third is the one where you know whats coming

Happy then sad angry then mad

You wait till its over then accept it will never be the same

Turning over the page to the next chapter

A new year but not a happy year

Just another painful start


Hi @StarHeart

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community, the festive period can be such a tough time for so many :blue_heart:

Take good care,

That is beautiful and words so very true, thank you for sharing x