
When you lose your mum, it feels like the worst pain, to never be able to see her again.

I know I’m an adult with my own mind but there’s no doubt I need my mum sometimes.

I would love to pick the phone up and hear her voice, I didn’t speak to her everyday but I would love to have the choice.

Forever gone is too much to bare, not having her here is just unfair.

So for all the people out there who’s lost their mum I know how hard it is to move on.

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem, @Stargirl93 :blue_heart:

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@Seaneen your welcome, i write alot of poetry it really help me deal with things and i love to share my poetry in hope it can help and comfort other people.

I dont know how to get my poems heard to be honest.

Lost my mum in 2009 and still miss her, so I know how you feel. Take care and know that this community is always here for you x John


@Johnch thank you so much, im so sorry for your loss

My mum died last year wrn i got the news i was shocked n felt it wasxso unfair but how do i grieve if she left wen i was 6 weeks old and never met her n now im told to say gd buy but she was never there its so unfair im confused and struggling to bear please help me and tell me wat i shud do ?

@Leash im so sorry about your loss! Its a tricky situation and sounds very complicated but in my opinion when you have news that a parent has passed it hurts no matter what if any relationship you had with them.

My stepdad passed and we had a very volatile relationship, we basically hated each other but when he died something really hit me, and i was confused and sad and really didnt understand why i was hurting.

I guess in the end i cared more than i thought i did.

Stay strong, here to talk if you want to.

Sorry again for your loss!

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