Poems for dads funeral

Hello all

My dear fathers funeral is on the 29 February. He was a wonderful man and loving father and husband. I’m looking for a relevent poem/reading and wonder if anyone has inspiration. I read the tops ones coming up on google search but they’re not quite right. If anyone is willing to share I would be most greatful.

He was my everything, my north star, the first man I ever loved. His loss is a heavy burden to bear. He was kind, gererous and loved by many.

Thank you. Rob x

Not sure what will feel right for you, but I’ve always like this one. And can’t even read it without sobbing now. :cry:


Thanks @Ulma, this is lovely.

Hope you’re doing better this week. X

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Thank you. I’ve been feeling very low and sad. Sending hugs and strength to you this week with all the funeral preparations going on. :heart:

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