
My last Christmas… can’t describe how empty I feel,…my last Christmas.

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Hi Arthur,

I hope I’m reading your post in the right context …… that you wont be celebrating Christmas going forward!!

The pain we feel is so intense, it feels like it will never get any better.

I’m glad you are on this site. If you need to talk keep posting, if you need more help, please have a look at some of the support groups on here. Phone the Samaritans if it all feels to overwhelming.
Let us try and help get you further down the line. No it’s not going to be easy but don’t give up.

Thinking of you,
Dee xxx


Arthur. Please tell us what you mean by your statement so that we can help you. Please believe me that each and every one of us has felt your pain individually. Don’t suffer alone. There is always someone on here to listen. God bless. X

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Thank you x

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It’s horrible, that’s how I feel,a light has gone and it’s just darkness…I have put the tree up because it was her thing but it’s just making it worse, just another reminder of how she’s gone and not coming back… won’t put it up again, I will spend Christmas alone, not going to spoil it for others, … take care :broken_heart:

Looking like I am on my own also, big hugs to all, who are spending time alone,
Take care.x

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Hi, mine is a long story ( arnt they always) I have a son, from a previous relationship, but he is going through personal problems, he normally goes to his girlfriends parents, however no longer together, so that isn’t happening, have stepson, and stepdaughter, who have children, don’t see much of stepson ,or grandson. I see stepdaughter and granddaughter regularly, however, stepdaughter, and father of granddaughter don’t get on, Granddaughter will be in a different part of the country for Christmas. To add to the mix Father in law passed away last Christmas day, first anniversary ,it’s the 2nd Christmas without Shell. Would of been her birthday on the 20th. The last 5 or 6 Christmas,s have ended up with Shell being rushed into hospital, because of her failing health. I hate negativity, especially at this time of year, but all I have at the moment is unhappy memories. I hope our dearly loved ones, are somewhere nice and pleasant, enjoying themselves as we all should be this time of year. I wish all on here some kind of peace, and a hope we get through as best we can.
Take care.x