Post mortem results.

Yeah I have asked for updates but they’ve received nothing yet and quite frankly I don’t like dealing with them cause they make out that I’m stupid.
At the beginning I was trying to write down what they were telling me and when I asked them to repeat they kept asking me what part I didn’t understand :roll_eyes: and when I asked them things they got irrate with me by saying “if you remember the other day we said this and that” do they not realise how hard it is to process everything that’s going on in the mind of someone whos grieving.

Hope you get the answers soon. That sounds deflating and frustrating at the same time. Maybe something for the local MP in your area to be aware of in case there is an issue at the office which they could look into. Stay strong during these challenging times x

Hi, my youngest son suddenly passed away last Sunday, coroner said the PM was inconclusive but toxicology was all good and it may be three months! I cant believe in this century and will all the medical wonders hiw this can be?
We can have him back for a funeral but its so unfair, life’s a bitch, there is no god and i am heartbroken. Sending you a hug and hope you get answers soon X

I was told 20 weeks for toxicology results 4 weeks ago, interim death certificate said undetermined which was not what the coroners office said before it was carried out. Inquest is set for end of April, dragging our anguish out forever.

I’ve only just got the toxicology/post mortem report and my son passed away in March. Having seen how much input goes into the report I can perhaps see why it takes so long. Along with the bundle there were letters from doctors, hospital, police, etc. trouble is waiting for the inquest is always on your mind even when you try to block it. I’ve got a better understanding of the report and it’s made somethings a lot clearer in a way. Take care, little steps. Xx