Premature son died in my arms

I lost my son to premature birth back in 2015 he sadly passed in my arms at 21 wks 6 days when he was born he was passed to me because his mom was in pain after he was passed to me I felt a hand on my shoulder and a voice from behind said I’m sorry he has gone at that moment my life ended and to this day I will never forget that ever moment following the death of my son I started to have relationship problems and couldn’t cope from the mother that wasn’t around to help me infact help each other she would then stop out for days so I made the decision to walk away feeling heartbroken to this day forward I still never forget that day he left us hopefully I’m looking for friends to talk to and make friends along my journey with you all I am sorry for all your losses I know how heartbreaking and upsetting it can be my heart with all of you in this difficult time hope to talk to you and help


Hello @Rogerdaniel22, I am so sorry for the heartbreaking loss of your baby son. Thank you for reaching out to the community and sharing how you are feeling.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few resources with you that might help. Have you ever gotten counselling for the trauma of losing your son? If you think talking to someone might help, we offer free Online Bereavement Counselling. It’s held via video chat with trained bereavement counsellors.

Sands also have help and support for people who have sadly lost a baby. There are lots of options including a helpline, in person support groups and an online community. You can find out more about how they can help here.

I hope you find our community to be a support - take care.
